Life starts with management commitment.
Life creates a compelling experience which empowers leaders, managers and workers to live and work Injury Free Every Day!
Life is a revolutionary approach that empowers leaders, managers and workers to live and work Injury Free Every Day!
Life is a tool designed to enable and empower every employee in your organization with the knowledge, skills, values and passion to live a safe and productive life.
Life is a journey that acknowledges the value of all employees and enables their success throughout life!
Industrial Safety

Is a Proprietary Catalyst & Cultural Evolution program designed to enable your employees to Lead & Live an Injury Free Life... Every day!

Life enables changes in the way safety is managed, utilized and appreciated.

L2IFE Goals:

Why Life

Workers Compensation costs for the most disabling workplace injuries and illnesses in 2006 were $48.6 billion! (2008 Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index )

This COST does not include:

$7.2 Billion paid to 500,000~ workers on long-term disability insurance.

1.2 million Day Away Cases ($150 billion)

4 million total Recordable Injury Cases ($180 Billion)

Every Injury and Incident was Preventable!

preload Industrial Safety Employee Safety Industry Safety