Is a Proprietary Catalyst & Cultural Evolution program designed to enable your employees to Lead & Live an Injury Free Life... Every day!
enables changes in the way safety is managed, utilized and appreciated.
L2IFE Goals:
- Align with Company Strategic Objectives
- Internalize Safety as a Core Value
- Employees are recognized as a Valued Asset
- Open communication between Employees and Management
- ALL Employees are actively engaged in the safety process
- Everyone Home Safe Everyday!!!
Workers Compensation costs for the most disabling workplace injuries and illnesses in 2006 were $48.6 billion! (2008 Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index )
This COST does not include:
- Lost productivity
- Replacing Injured Worker
- Schedule/Production Impact
- Increased Insurance Premiums (EMR)
- Decreased Morale and Productivity of fellow workers
- Collective time of Incident Investigations
- Implementation of Corrective Actions
- Stress, Pain & Suffering
$7.2 Billion paid to 500,000~ workers on long-term disability insurance.
1.2 million Day Away Cases ($150 billion)
4 million total Recordable Injury Cases ($180 Billion)
Every Injury and Incident was Preventable!